Pu'er Tea Benefits For Controlling Diabetes – TEASPEC

Pu'er Tea Benefits For Controlling Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic health condition that occurs when the glucose or sugar levels in the blood are too high. For diabetics, their pancreata do not produce insulin which is responsible for regulating blood glucose levels. Unfortunately, diabetes cannot be cured completely, and diabetics would have to learn to manage their condition well through a healthy diet or instilling a regular exercise regiment.

In recent years however, several studies have found that drinking tea may help us to fight against diabetes. Pu-erh tea (Pu’er tea) in particular, is one of those superfood tea that is highly effective in reducing the risk of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.


Pu-erh Tea for diabetes

Pu’er tea is well-known for its benefits for losing weight by increasing our body’s metabolism rate. In addition it also helps people with type-2 diabetes keep their blood sugar levels under control by burning the extra fats and calories. Catechins Pu’er tea contains a special type of antioxidants called Catechins. Catechins help reduce the effects of insulin resistance in the body by decreasing the digestion and absorption rate of carbohydrates.



Another powerful antioxidant called polyphenol is also present in Pu-erh tea, which has anti-inflammatory properties, protecting our cells from damage. According to Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, DO, a cardiologist and director of women’s heart health at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, “Polyphenols help reduce oxidative stress and cause vasodilation (widening of the arteries), which decreases blood pressure, prevents clotting, and reduces cholesterol.” All of these activities reduce the risk for heart disease, which is elevated in people with diabetes. Polyphenols in green tea can also help regulate glucose in the body, helping to prevent or control diabetes.


How much Pu-erh tea you should drink to control diabetes?

Moderation is the key: Excessive caffeine in tea can negatively impact your blood pressure and blood sugar. It is advised to take 2 to 3 cups of Pu’er tea for an effective general wellbeing. Do remember to consult a doctor before embarking on your tea journey. Have a tea-rrific day!